Built a Pandorabot chatbot to help students find computing jobs matching their skills, assisting a university career advisor

Created an autonomous robotic system in CoppeliaSim for disaster recovery, demonstrating goal-seeking with sensor integration

Created a PostgreSQL lab report with SQL, extracting detailed data and summaries from the DVD Rental Database for a business query

Built SQL database models for Bagel Corner and Mister Coffee, including ER diagrams, tables, and queries, plus data loading and reporting

Upgraded a Spring hotel booking app with multilingual, timezone, and currency features. Deployed via Docker

Designing a hash table-based package delivery tracking system in Python, with package insertion, look-up, delivery routing, and a user interface

Customized a Spring app with HTML and Java for inventory management, showcasing software development skills for a client's needs

Developing a system in C++ to manage and maintain a student roster, involving data manipulation and object-oriented programming

Developed a Spring Java backend for a travel agency's web app, interfacing with an existing Angular front end, updating legacy systems