warningThis project was completed for coursework and is no longer maintained. Names and details have been modified for academic integrity. Below is a summary of the university’s main requirements.
Requirements link h2
Implement a hash table data structure (without external libraries) to store package data
Create an insertion function to add package details (
,zip code
) to the hash tableCreate a lookup function to retrieve package details based on package ID
Write a program to simulate package delivery, utilizing provided distance and location data
Ensure that all packages are delivered with less than a 140 total mileage of all trucks
Create an interface allowing users to track package delivery status and view total truck mileage
Explain the strengths of my delivery algorithm, verify it meets requirements, and suggest two alternative algorithms suitable for the task
Describe changes I would implement with hindsight and the reasoning behind the modifications
Confirm the chosen data structure’s suitability and propose two alternative data structures that would also work