Purpose link h2
My ErgoDox EZ came with some tenting legs, but they suffer from two main problems:
They are individually adjusted with thumbscrews, which can be finnicky
The maximum tenting may not be as extreme as you might like
With a custom tenting kit, I wanted to build one that’s easily adjustable (one adjustment “move” per side of keyboard), and one that you can easily take the keyboard off of when desired. I chose LEGO because that’s what I had on hand.
Solutions link h2
warningI never thought I’d be sharing this, so my photographical record keeping is lacking for several versions, which I will omit.
Version 1 link h3

Version 2 link h3

Version 3 link h3

Other solutions link h2
The following are some alternative solutions I found in my preliminary research.
LEGO link h3
Other LEGO based solutions:
3D printing link h3
I definitely would have experimented with the following if I had a 3D printer at home:
Thingiverse - Ergodox Tent Kit bracket for 1/4-20 threaded rod by schneems
GitHub - ergodox-tent: A tent for the Ergodox acrylic case designed by Litster
Useful articles link h3
The development story for the Dygma Raise’s tenting kit was extremely helpful for the creation of the kit given here.
Read: Keyboard Tenting Kit for the Dygma Raise - Development Story